Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
5 | Yes | 3-501.16 (A)(2) Maintain TCS food at 41 F or below. / The refrigerated make table across from the grill had an ambient air temperature of 60F with the following foods and temperatures - pork cooked 8/13 62F, beef intestines 78F, raw steak 55F, raw chicken 59F, cooked beef dated 8/6 50F, sausage 54F, beef 55F, hot dog and ham rollups 50F./ All TCS foods above 41F were voluntarily discarded. CEASE USE OF THE REFRIGERATED MAKETABLE UNTIL REPAIRED AND TCS FOOD TEMPEARTURES ARE MAINTAINED AT 41F. JCDH WILL VERIFY THE REFRIGERATED MAKETABLE TEMPERATURE BEFORE USE. |
4 | Yes | 4-203.11 Provide food temperature measuring devices that are accurate to + or - 2 degrees F./ There was no food temperature measuring device to take the temperature of the hot or cold TCS foods. |
1 | No | 4-601.11(C) Keep nonfood contact surfaces of equipment (interiors of refrigeration units and cooking equipment, exteriors of equipment, storage shelves, etc.) free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. / The refrigeration shelves were soiled. |
1 | No | 4-501.16(A) Cease the washing of hands in 3-compartment sink./ The food worker rinsed their hands with water at the 3-compartment sink. |
4 | Yes | 6-301.11 Provide a supply of hand cleaning liquid, powder or bar soap at each handwashing sink or group of 2 adjacent handwashing sinks. / The only hand sink did not have soap to wash hands. |
1 | No | 5-205.15(B) Maintain plumbing in good repair. (ex: floor drain covers, missing toilet tank lid, broken toilet seat, etc.) / The white drain pipe had a constant leak. The manager was notified during the inspection. He turned the flow off to the pipe. The leak was stopped. |