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NOTICE: Food Safety Training for 2025 will be THURSDAYS at 9AM and 2PM.

Jefferson County Department of Health Clinics

Dental Clinic
General dental care is provided for individuals who meet eligibility requirements. The Jefferson County Department of Health has dental clinics in three locations throughout Jefferson County to improve the overall health of the county’s underserved individuals through increased access to oral health services. The JCDH Dental Clinics are currently accepting new patients under the age of 21. It is recommended that children have their first dental visit by their first birthday. To be eligible for treatment in the dental clinics, clients must be a resident of Jefferson County and provide the following:
  • proof of identity
  • proof of residency
  • proof of household income, or proof of Medicaid or ALL Kids dental insurance
Dental care is often the forgotten part of a healthy lifestyle. Oral disease can affect a person’s speech, appearance, health, and quality of life. Regular dental care is not only important to maintain the health of your teeth, but also your entire body. Poor oral and dental health can result in serious infections of the mouth, teeth, and body. For information on healthy oral health habits, visit the American Dental Association’s consumer website
Central Health Center
(205) 930-1015
Eastern Health Center
(205) 510-3405
Western Health Center
(205) 241-5277
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Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (Doxy-PEP)
Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (Doxy-PEP) is a sexual health tool that involves taking the antibiotic doxycycline after sex, to prevent getting an STI. This medication is taken 24-72 hours after condomless sex. Taking Doxy-PEP reduces your chances of acquiring syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia by about two-thirds.

You should consider Doxy-PEP if you were assigned male at birth, are at least 16 years old, and:
  • Have been diagnosed with at least one bacterial STI (i.e., chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis) in the last 12 months
  • Have had condomless oral and/or anal sexual contact with at least one individual assigned male at birth in the last 12 months
  • Have had 10 or more sexual partners in the last 12 months
To schedule an appointment call (205) 588-5234 and request an appointment in the Sexual Health Clinic with a provider or schedule a clinic visit by visiting our self-schedule website found here.
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Family Planning Clinic
Birth control services including information on contraception counseling, methods, pregnancy testing, exams, and supplies are available at all centers. These services are provided regardless of income.
Central Health Center- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
Eastern Health Center- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
Central Health Center
(205) 588-5234
Eastern Health Center
(205) 588-5234
Western Health Center
(205) 588-5234
Maternity Clinic (UAB)
Complete prenatal care is provided at all centers by the UAB Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
(205) 996-3130
Optometry Clinic (UAB)
Comprehensive eye care is provided by the UAB School of Optometry.
UAB optometry M-F 8:30am-430pm
Western Health Center
(205) 715-6127
Pediatric Clinic
Complete primary health care, including routine exams and sick visits, is provided for children from birth through 18 years of age at all health centers.
Central Health Center- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
Western Health Center- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
Central Health Center
(205) 588-5234
Eastern Health Center
(205) 588-5234
Western Health Center
(205) 588-5234
WIC Clinic (Women, Infants, and Children)
The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program provides nutrition education and vouchers for nutritious foods to pregnant and postpartum women, infants and children up to five years old who meet the eligibility guidelines.
Central Health Center- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 558-2144, option #1
Eastern Health Center- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 558-2144, option #3
Western Health Center- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 558-2144, option #5
For a Spanish Interpreter, call (205) 558-2144, option #2
WIC- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 558-2144
(205) 558-2144
Central Health Center
Eastern Health Center
Western Health Center
Specialty Clinic - Adult Immunization, International Travel, and Exemptions
These clinics are located in the Specialty Clinic in the lower level of the Guy M. Tate Building at 1400 Sixth Avenue, South, Birmingham, AL. The Adult Immunization Clinic offers Immunizations for all individuals ages 19 and older. Appointments are required.
International Travel Clinic- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 930-1034
International Travel Clinic
The Travel Consultation fee is $45.00 for all initial travel consultations. There is an administration fee of $19.79 for each vaccine on the same date of service. We honor VISA or Master Card and accept personal checks.
Travel clinic prescriptions for oral typhoid vaccine and medications for prevention of malaria can be filled at the pharmacy of your choice.
For additional inquiries or to schedule an appointment, please call (205) 930-1034.
The Travel Clinic offers a variety of services that provide clients traveling to international countries with the necessary vaccines and resources for a safe trip. These services include:
  • A comprehensive review of client’s immunizations and medical history
  • Personalized vaccine recommendations based on client’s itinerary
  • Administration of required and recommended vaccines
  • Provide prescriptions for malaria prophylaxis to clients traveling to areas where they are at risk
  • Counseling on food, water, and insect protection based on the client’s destination
For persons wishing to receive a vaccine injection for the Yellow Fever OR Typhoid Vaccine with a prescription from a provider outside of JCDH, the following conditions must be met:
  • The prescription must contain the following information:
    • Name of the Patient and Date of Birth
    • Vaccine(s) name(s) with correct information for EACH vaccine
    • Administration Route
    • Correct dosage for a particular vaccine(s)
    • Number of refills (should be 0)
  • If the vaccine prescription does not contain the correct information, we will be unable to administer the vaccine on your visit date. You will need to speak with your medical provider and obtain a revised, corrected prescription.
  • Please understand that during vaccine only visits you will not have the opportunity to ask about other travel requirements or recommendations. If you feel you need more information about travel vaccines and recommendations it is best to schedule a consultation appointment.
Adult Immunization Clinic- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
Adult Immunization Clinic
  • Vaccines are available for persons 19 years of age and older
  • Influenza (Flu) vaccine is available
  • Mpox (or monkeypox) vaccines are available
  • Services are available for insured and uninsured patients
  • A sliding fee scale is available for Jefferson County residents who meet eligibility requirements
  • Call (205) 588-5234 to schedule an appointment
  • Current list of fees and vaccinations
Immunization Religious Exemption
By the Alabama State School Immunization Law, a Religious Exemption can only be issued to children in daycare/childcare through 12th grade, and a religious exemption cannot be issued for institutions of higher learning.
For the Jefferson County Department of Health to issue a Religious Exemption, all of the following must be met:
  • Be a resident of Jefferson County and have Proof of Residence.
    • Accepted documentation for Proof of Residence:
      • A government-issued photo ID with your name and address
      • A utility bill, lease, or
      • Other documentation of proof of residence in Jefferson County.
  • Have a prepared, written objection of a parent or guardian for each child based on religious tenets and practices that is signed and dated.
  • Have a Original Birth Certificate (a copy of the birth certificate cannot be accepted) for the child/children for whom you are seeking a religious exemption(s)
    • The birth certificate must have the name of the parent listed.
      • If the birth certificate does not have the name of the parent listed, you will need to provide documentation of custody, adoption, or legal guardianship.
  • Be prepared to pay a $10 fee per child with cash or credit card.
  • Bring immunization records to the visit.
  • Call (205) 930-1014 to schedule an appointment.
Central Health Center
An appointment is required for the Adult Immunization Clinic:
(205) 588-5234
An appointment is required for Travel Vaccines:
(205) 588-5234
Specialty Clinic - Sexual Health
Testing, evaluation, and treatment is provided to protect individuals, their sex partners and unborn children from the serious complications that may result from untreated syphilis, chlamydia, and other sexually transmitted infections. The Sexual Health Clinic specialty clinic is staffed with nurse practitioners who are supervised by a medical director. These highly trained professionals routinely provide care for individuals experiencing symptoms of sexually transmitted infections or those who have partners with an infection. Services are confidential and offered at minimal cost.
Antibody and blood testing for herpes simplex virus (HSV) is not routinely offered. Testing is available in the event that you have skin changes suggesting HSV infection, but blood tests for HSV status are not performed at this clinic.
Sexual Health Clinic- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
  • For a Sexual Health Visit with a Provider, you can self-schedule here.
Sexual Health Clinic
  • Appointments are needed for all services
  • Call (205) 588-5234 to schedule an appointment
  • Fast Track Testing is available for persons who do not have symptoms of an STI who are interested in STI testing. Testing includes Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Trichomoniasis, HIV, and Syphilis. Herpes simplex blood testing is not offered through this service.
    • Fast Track Visits can be self-scheduled by going here.
    • Fast Track Visits are available at the Central Health Center, Eastern Health Center, and Western Health Center
Clinic hours are Monday-Friday 7:45am – 3:30pm. Same day appointments can be made by calling (205) 588-5234 beginning at 7:00am. HIV testing is available Monday-Friday from 8:00am-3:30pm.

The Jefferson County Department of Health Sexual Health Clinic clinic is located on the lower level of the Central Health Center at 1400 6th Avenue South in Birmingham. More information on STDs can be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention useful links below or from the Alabama Department of Public Health.
Central Health Center
(205) 588-5234
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Clinic
The Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Program also provides Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) services to decrease the chance of contracting HIV for adults age 18 and older to patients with and without insurance coverage.
  • HIV may be prevented by taking Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • PrEP involves taking one pill once a day to prevent HIV
  • Studies have shown PrEP to be highly effective at preventing HIV (92-99%)
  • Although PrEP is very effective at preventing HIV, it does not prevent other STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, herpes, or trichomoniasis.
  • Consistent condom use will decrease your risk of STDs and HIV
  • PrEP may be used by any HIV negative person who is at risk for HIV including heterosexual individuals (especially those who have an HIV positive partner), men who have sex with men, individuals who use injection drugs
  • PrEP is available at the Jefferson County Department of Health for insured and uninsured individuals
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Clinic- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Clinic
  • PrEP is available for persons who are HIV negative and have a high risk of acquiring HIV.
  • HIV and STI testing is done every 90 days during a follow up appointment with a provider
  • Education about safer sexual practices is done at each visit.
  • Call (205) 930-1129 to schedule an appointment or for more information
Clinic hours are Monday-Friday 7:45am – 3:30pm. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Clinic appointments can also be made by calling (205) 588-5234, but same day appointments are not always available for these clinics.

The Jefferson County Department of Health Sexual Health Clinic is located on the lower level of the Central Health Center at 1400 6th Avenue South in Birmingham. More information on PrEP is available from the Alabama Department of Public Health.
Central Health Center
(205) 588-5234
Hepatitis C Virus Clinic (Testing and Treatment)
The Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Program also provides Hepatitis C Virus services to decrease the chance of contracting Hepatitis C for adults age 18 and older to patients with and without insurance coverage.
  • Hepatitis C is a liver infection that is usually silent, but over time can cause chronic liver damage (Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer)
  • Persons at highest risk for Hepatitis C include Baby Boomers (born between 1945-1965), people who have received a tattoo or piercing in an unregulated facility (jail, home, hotel, etc.), people who have used injection drugs, people who have ever snorted drugs, people who received blood transfusions prior to 1992, and people who received an organ transplant prior to 1992.
  • However, 50% of people with Hepatitis C have no identifiable risk factors
  • The only way to know your status is to get tested
  • If you have Chronic Hepatitis C, it can be cured!
  • The Jefferson County Department of Health offers Hepatitis C testing and treatment to insured and uninsured individuals
Hepatitis C Clinic- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
Hepatitis C Clinic
  • Provide testing and treatment for chronic Hepatitis C.
  • Education about Hepatitis C transmission, testing, and treatment.
  • Call (205) 930-1129 to schedule an appointment or for more information
Clinic hours are Monday-Friday 7:45am – 3:30pm. Hepatitis C Virus Clinic appointments can also be made by calling (205) 588-5234, but same day appointments are not always available for these clinics.

The Jefferson County Department of Health STD clinic is located on the lower level of the Central Health Center at 1400 6th Avenue South in Birmingham. More information on Hepatitis C Virus is available from the Alabama Department of Public Health.
Central Health Center
(205) 588-5234
HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis Clinic (non-occupational exposure)
HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a 28-day course of medication given to person who have potentially been exposed to HIV. If taken within 72 hours of sexual activity, PEP may be able to decrease a person’s changes of acquiring HIV. Financial assistance can be obtained for those without insurance.

If your exposure occurred because of a needle stick at your place of work, please refer to your company’s human resources policies on needle stick injuries.

Appointments can be made by calling (205) 588-5234.
Rabies Post Exposure Prophylaxis Clinic
JCDH offers Rabies vaccinations for persons who may have been bitten by high-risk animals such as bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, etc. We are unable to perform wound care, and we do not stock rabies immunoglobulin, and if you have been bitten by an animal that may have rabies, immunoglobulin is a recommended part of the treatment in addition to the vaccine series.

Appointments can be made by calling (205) 588-5234.
Specialty Clinic - Tuberculosis
The Tuberculosis Clinic is located in the Specialty Clinic in the lower level of the Guy M. Tate Building at 1400 Sixth Avenue, South, Birmingham, AL. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 3:00pm by appointment only. The clinic offers TB screenings for anyone who thinks that he or she might have been exposed to Tuberculosis or anyone who may need the screening for employment or school. We also accept referrals for anyone who has tested positive for TB exposure.
Tuberculosis (TB) Clinic- M-F 7:45am-4:30pm by appointment only, call (205) 588-5234
Tuberculosis (TB) Clinic
  • Tuberculosis (TB) testing, preventative, and treatment medication, disease screening, and monitoring are offered by appointment
  • Services are offered regardless of income or insurance status
  • This clinic is only available at the Central Health Center location
  • Call (205) 588-5234 to schedule an appointment
Clinic services include:
  • Tuberculin Skin Testing (available only Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
  • IGRA (blood) testing with the T-Spot.TB test
  • Chest x-rays for anyone who has tested positive for TB exposure
  • Treatment and management of latent TB infection
  • Treatment and management of active tuberculosis
For more information about Tuberculosis, please visit one of the following websites:
Central Health Center
Appointment necessary:
(205) 588-5234
NOTICE:  Payment is expected at time of visit. Click here to learn more.
Central Health Center
(Guy M. Tate)

1400 Sixth Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233
(205) 588-5234

(205) 933-9110
Eastern Health Center
601 West Blvd Roebuck
Birmingham, AL 35206
Programs and Clinics
(205) 588-5234
Western Health Center
631 Bessemer Super Hwy
Midfield, AL 35228
Programs and Clinics
(205) 588-5234
Hours of Operation:
All Centers are open 7:45am to 4:30pm. Phone lines for clinic appointments open at 7:00am Monday through Friday.

If this is a Medical Emergency call 911.
If you are a patient and need to reach your health care team after business hours for non-life threatening conditions, call (205) 588-5234.

Copyright © 2025 Jefferson County Department of Health