Deducted | Remarks |
5 | 3-301.11(B) Use gloves or utensils to handle ready to eat food (except when washing fruits and vegetables). // Employee not wearing gloves prepping lettuce. |
4 | 3-501.17(A) Properly date mark all TCS food prepared in-house, when held for more than 24 hours, with the preparation date and date of discard—not to exceed 7 days including the date of preparation. // Improperly date marked container of chicken with a date of 2-12-24. COS PIC Voluntarily discarded. |
1 | 3-305.11 Store food at least 6 inches above the floor. // Container of chicken and bag of ice sitting on floor in RI cooler. |
4 | 4-601.11(A) Clean equipment, food contact surfaces and utensils to sight and touch. (Interior of ice machine, ice bins, beverage nozzles, utensils in storage, etc.) // Meat slicer used to slice chicken soiled with residue and debris. // Slicer used to cut vegetables soiled with debris. // Pots and pans soiled with residue. // Knives on magnetic rack soiled with residue and debris. |
1 | 4-601.11(C) Keep nonfood contact surfaces of equipment (interiors of refrigeration units and cooking equipment, exteriors of equipment, storage shelves, etc.) free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. // Interior of various RI coolers soiled with debris. // Fan covers in various RI cooler soiled with dust. // Heavy accumulation of dust on storage shelving throughout facility. |
4 | 5-205.11 Cease using hand sinks for any purpose other than handwashing. // 2 large dirty containers inside handwashing sink. |
2 | 6-501.11 Maintain physical facilities in good repair (floors, walls, ceilings, ceiling tiles, attached fixtures, etc.).// Replace several missing ceiling tiles, throughout facility. |
1 | 6-403.11(B) Locate lockers or other suitable facilities for storage of aprons and personal belongings so that they do not contaminate food, equipment, utensils and single service/single use articles. // Two cell phones, apron, charger, and earbuds sitting on counter tops and storage shelving holding food. |