The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 provides state WIC
agencies with the option to temporarily increase cash value benefits
(CVBs) to $35 per participant for four consecutive months. CVBs are used
by women and children who participate in WIC to purchase fresh fruits
and vegetables at authorized WIC vendors. Alabama’s WIC Program will
implement the CVB increase, effective June 1, 2021, through September
30, 2021.
Implementing this increase will more than triple the amount of
healthy produce families can purchase during the summer’s peak season.
This tremendous benefit will add quality and value to the current WIC
food package when families need it most.
Current WIC participants are encouraged to take advantage of these
resources during the limited time they are available by redeeming their
CVB for the entire family. People who feel their family may qualify for
WIC or need to be requalified are asked to please contact their local
health department or WIC agency for an appointment.
For more information on applying for WIC, please go to or call the statewide toll-free line at 1-888-942-4673.