Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
5 | Yes | 2-201.11 Provide an employee health policy that states what actions are necessary when an employee has a specific symptom or diagnosis related to diseases that are transmissible through food. Communication of the policy to employees must be verifiable.// No documentation of employee health policy available. |
4 | Yes | 2-501.11 Provide clean-up procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events in a food establishment.// No clean-up procedures available.
JCDH 2.2 Provide food safety training for all food handlers as required.// No food safety training documents available. |
1 | No | 3-307.11 Store raw animal foods with higher required cooking temperatures below those with lower required cooking temperatures. (preventive)// Ground beef stored above shrimp in walk-in cooler. |
4 | Yes | 4-601.11(A) Clean equipment, food contact surfaces and utensils to sight and touch. (Interior of ice machine, ice bins, beverage nozzles, utensils in storage, etc.)// Can opener, lemon slicer, and other equipment with food contact surfaces soiled with residue and food debris. |
1 | No | 4-602.13 Clean non-food contact surfaces of equipment as often as necessary to prevent accumulation of residue.// Residue and dust accumulation on exteriors of equipment throughout facility. |
1 | No | 4-904.11 Store unwrapped utensils so that only the handles are touched.// Silverware in basket with handles down. |
1 | No | 6-301.14 Post sign at all hand sinks that notifies employees to wash hands.// No sign for hand washing at sink behind bar. |
4 | Yes | 6-501.111(C) Provide effective insect and rodent control to eliminate their presence on the premises.// Roach infestation in kitchen, especially near dish pit. |
2 | No | 6-501.12 Clean facilities (floors, walls, ceilings, ceiling/wall vent covers, fixtures, etc.) as often as necessary to maintain cleanliness.// Debris and residue accumulation on floors, walls, and ceilings in kitchen. |